The GiftTree Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

All products ordered from GiftTree are covered by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. We guarantee that your gift will arrive to your recipient in quality condition. If you (or your gift recipient) are not satisfied with the quality of a delivered product, please contact our customer service department immediately. We will gladly provide a replacement, credit or refund.


Fresh products (fruit and fresh food gift baskets), perishable, personalized and fragile products cannot be returned. If quality doesn’t meet your expectations, products are covered by The GiftTree Guarantee.

Non-perishable items should be returned within 30 days of delivery in their original packaging, after contacting our customer service department. Non-perishable returned items must be sent to the GiftTree return address, from the location that package was originally mailed. You will receive full merchandise credit for future purchases. Shipping is not refundable.


Gourmet Gifts - We make every effort to guarantee total satisfaction. On the occasion that a gourmet food item or specialty container is out of stock, be assured that your gift recipient will receive a similar item of equal or greater value.

Warm Weather Shipping - Gifts containing temperature-sensitive items (such as chocolate) may not be available to ship during summer months of May through September. During these months, these items will be substituted for items of equal or greater value.